how much time do you want?
In the 21-minute video "How much time do you want?", sequences of popular films and series from 1939 to 2018 are dismantled and re-arranged. These sequences show the stereotypical representations of Black bodies, sometimes only seconds, a glance or a movement, which are (historically) violently charged. I was motivated by the desire to uncover how powerful and violent racist stereotyping is, how it is a natural part of popular image consumption and how it serves as an (un)conscious tool to maintain a narrative that legitimizes the oppression and discrimination of Black people and people of color. I built up a confrontational tension through the deconstruction of racist stereotypes. The space of the video work is filled with violence, pain and oppression - a reality of black people and people of color. Showing, pointing, pushing the viewer's face into a reality - into a collective pain.